One thing I thought of was about 2 weeks ago Eliza and Elana were in the bathroom, (they like to have company), well our bathroom door had been sticking so the key was don't shut the door all the way, well opps they shut it and it stuck and there was no getting it open. I was laughing and listening to Eliza you would have thought she was stuck on a rock in the middle of the river on the edge of a water fall. Not in a bathroom, where they had taken books and toys. I had to call David to come home and then he had to spend 30minutes removing the door knobs so they could come out. Talk about your gloris rescue. It was hilarous. I wish I'd had the camcorder on.
ELIZA- still loves school, though doesn't like the fact that Elana gets to do some things that she doesn't since Elana is home early. She started Violin lessons a few weeks ago, here she is with her violin
she really seems to be enjoying it, but is also aware that it might be harder then she thought! Go figure..
ELANA- She enjoys school as well and seems to be doing well. She only goes half day so when she gets home she is real good about playing with Isaac and Eviee. She also likes me to read to her and she likes to color. here is one of her masterpieces,
She is also not much of a morning person and this morning had to run to the bus without breakfast because she did not what to get out of bed (it's cold) and she doesn't know how to hurry. I felt bad, because she was crying. Hopefully she will have learned her lesson that she needs to get up when I tell her too.
ISAAC- what a cutiepatootie and a big stinker. He has learned to like watching movies so when he gets up in the morning, while I'm changing his diaper he says "I wan watch cars" or "I wan watch Egio" aka Dora and Diego. Then he says and "I wan fafle" aka waffle. Same routine each day, it's very cute. I give him a kiss and say "I love you" and he runs off and says "love". it's sooo cute. He also loves to play with Eviee, here he is doing just that,
That's a trick he learned from his sisters. They like to cover him up with the laundry basket.
EVIEE- she is almost 7 months now. At her 6 month check up she was 14lbs 5oz and I think 25 and 3/4 inches. She's getting big. She loves to sit in her walker and boy can she get around. Going into the kitchen and playing with the magnents is one of her favorites, but she'll take whatever she can get a hand on. She's also teething so everything goes in the mouth. Here are a few pictures of that.
Eviee has also been getting more solids to eat and she is doing a great job. Here's a picture of her eating pears for the first time. Just imagine you can see the shoulder shudder that goes along with it, it was really funny.
So there you have it. I know this is one long blogging session, but hopefully you are all up to date now. I'll blog again soon and put in my two cents about Dancing with the Stars and so on. Until then. Love to all and mostly to my nephew Bryson who's still in the hospital but is doing great. Way to go Bug! Hugs from Auntie Sara
1 comment:
Nice Job... I love to see the pictures of the kiddos..
Give them all hugs and kisses from Annie..
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