Tuesday, August 31, 2010
WOW 2010 has come and is almost gone...
I totally suck at this. I don't even know if anyone is checking up on me anymore. I just wanted to say that I do plan to get caught up real soon. I will post pictures of the kids and give details about Quinn and her upcoming surgery and the kids in school and all that. So hang in there with me and I promise to make some progress.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
So November went by in a hurry, but we had a lot happen. First Eliza had a birthday and she turned 8!! Yeah the Big 8. She had her party at Pizza Hut and enjoyed pizza and a Pokemon cake that mom made.

Then it was thanksgiving and Annie Beth came to visit. I didn't take any pictures like I should have. We went to the Children's Museum and the kids had a good time. But the best thing about that weekend was that Eliza was baptized. On November 28th by her dad. It was a wonderful service and we are so proud of Eliza for the decision she made to make that big step. She has set a great example for her sisters and brother.

So all in all it was great month and we loved having Annie here and we miss her.
Also at the end of October I had an ultrasound and we learned we are having a GIRL!
I was planning to add some pictures of the Ultrasound but the scanner is not working. But in a few weeks I will be having another ultrasound this one in 3D so I will be sure to post those pictures.
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and that you are ready for Christmas! We are and I will blog all the excitment very soon.
Then it was thanksgiving and Annie Beth came to visit. I didn't take any pictures like I should have. We went to the Children's Museum and the kids had a good time. But the best thing about that weekend was that Eliza was baptized. On November 28th by her dad. It was a wonderful service and we are so proud of Eliza for the decision she made to make that big step. She has set a great example for her sisters and brother.
So all in all it was great month and we loved having Annie here and we miss her.
Also at the end of October I had an ultrasound and we learned we are having a GIRL!
I was planning to add some pictures of the Ultrasound but the scanner is not working. But in a few weeks I will be having another ultrasound this one in 3D so I will be sure to post those pictures.
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and that you are ready for Christmas! We are and I will blog all the excitment very soon.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Well I thought I would shock you all by actually getting Halloween pictures up on Halloween! Pretty cool huh! So in Oxford we have 3 days of Trick or Treating each year. The first is dorm trick or treating and that is on the Sunday before Halloween. We skipped it this year. Really the kids don't need that much candy. Then on the Thursday before Halloween the business' uptown offer trick or treating and then there is a costume parade for the kids. So we did that. That night both Eviee and Isaac were chosen as winners in the costume contest. They had a group picture taken and will be in the local paper. Isaac was a Candy Corn and Eviee was a Bumble Bee. Well the next day Isaac told me he wanted to be Superman and said " I don't want to be a candy corn ever again". So my search for a last minute superman costume came up empty and we settled on a Transformer. He liked that. But as we were out tonight he saw a few supermen and was not happy that he wasn't wearing that costume! Oh well the kids had fun and got a lot of candy. I even changed Eviee's costume to a cow. She looked really cute. Oh also we took the kids on Wednesday to pick out a pumpkin at a local farm.
Enjoy the pictures. We enjoyed the kids.

Enjoy the pictures. We enjoyed the kids.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
So Sunday morning Eliza woke up not feeling to well and running a slight fever. She stayed pretty active the whole day but the fever never went away. Elana was complaining about not feeling well that night and she too had a slight fever. So Monday both stayed home from school. They don't want them there unless they've been 24 hours without a fever. So things just got worse. At least for Eliza, she had a headache and a very sore throat. Elana wanted to go to school. So that was the plan. Come Tuesday morning, I get Elana up and just to be on the safe side I take her temperature. 101. something. No school for her. I made a doctors appt for Eliza she seeming the worst and her temperature had not come down since it went up even with Tylenol. So I was worried about H1N1. I called my friend Lisa who told me that the day before her daughter Kaylee tested positive for H1N1. Oh boy! well the doctor told us that what Eliza had was just a virus. Ok, sounds good but she was feeling so awful I was certain that it was wrong. Both girls spent the day hardly moving and being very vocal on how crappy they felt. Plus they didn't want to eat and Eliza always wants to eat. I finally went out that night and got some Motrin, since Tylenol was doing nothing. Let me tell you that with in a few hours you could see a major improvement in Eliza. By the next morning both of the girls fevers were gone and they stayed gone the whole day. Yeah!! So what a relief it was to see them both get on the bus this morning. Now maybe I can get my house back up to par. all the chores have gone on done. It just seems to hard with so many people in the house not to mention that David only worked half days on Tuesday and Wednesday. So things are looking up...right! Not! Eviee was up all night long last night. Oh how I thought those days were past for now. The thought that they will be happening again soon is so much worse when I can't even sleep through the night now! So what's her problem? Teething. 4 molars all coming in at the same time! Why? Oh Why? Does my 18 month old who only has 6 teeth have to go and get 4 more all at the same time? So that on top of a cold she had and an ear infection she has not sleep through the night for 4 weeks!! And I'm not just talking about getting up once but more like 2 to 3 times and one night it was 6 times!!!! Help Help Help, I need to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay I am done complaining now! Oh wait I forgot to mention, my 3 year old son, does not want to be potty trained. He tells me he is not big enough! What do I do? Any advice will be appreciated! Thanks for listening! :)
Okay I am done complaining now! Oh wait I forgot to mention, my 3 year old son, does not want to be potty trained. He tells me he is not big enough! What do I do? Any advice will be appreciated! Thanks for listening! :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Well as I always say better late than never! So here are pictures of the kids. First day of school and Elana's b-day party. Eviee fell asleep and Isaac was sad the presents weren't for him. Enjoy and look forward to Halloween pictures. I'm feeling much better these days so the Halloween pictures might even make it on Halloween night if not before since we have like a whole week of Halloween here. Eliza is going to be a pumpkin ( I tired to get her to be a piarate) Elana is going to be a bride, Isaac is going to be a candy corn and Eviee is going to be a bumble bee. They should all be cute!! But here they are now.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I can't believe it's been nearly 2 months since I last blogged. So for anyone who is still checking up on us, I'm sorry and will try to do better. I do have pictures to post and will get to them tomorrow. We had the first day of School and Elana's 6th b-day. Not too much is really going on. The girls are enjoying school and I'm enjoying the peace that comes with having just 2 home durning the day , though I have to say Eviee can be really loud. She has learned to screech. Oh my head!!!
One of the main reasons I haven't blogged in forever is because I have not felt good and sitting at the computer is sometimes more than I can bear. What's the matter you say well, about the time I last blogged I also found out we are expecting #5!!!! So for the last 6-7 weeks I have been just plain tired and sick to my stomach almost constantly. But I am hoping as I am moving into my second trimester that all that will go away and I can feel like myself again. So we are all really excited about our upcoming addition. I am due March 20th, and I have requested a boy!!(Isaac needs some reinforecments)So wish me luck there and I will keep you posted on my progress.
Now I am going to go lay down and hope my stomach starts to feel better before I have to go through bedtime routines.
Pictures coming soon. Check back often!!
One of the main reasons I haven't blogged in forever is because I have not felt good and sitting at the computer is sometimes more than I can bear. What's the matter you say well, about the time I last blogged I also found out we are expecting #5!!!! So for the last 6-7 weeks I have been just plain tired and sick to my stomach almost constantly. But I am hoping as I am moving into my second trimester that all that will go away and I can feel like myself again. So we are all really excited about our upcoming addition. I am due March 20th, and I have requested a boy!!(Isaac needs some reinforecments)So wish me luck there and I will keep you posted on my progress.
Now I am going to go lay down and hope my stomach starts to feel better before I have to go through bedtime routines.
Pictures coming soon. Check back often!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
It's so hard to believe how fast the time just slips by. It's been a month since I've posted anything. You'd think we haven't been up to anything but that's not true. So I thought I'd better do some catching up today.
Well June started out with Eviee and I taking a trip to Utah. It was a fast 4 days but we had a great time. I think Eviee enjoyed being the only really little person around so she got all the attention. I enjoyed just spending time with my family. It made it easier for me to get through the anniversary of mom's death. So thanks Beth for having me. I miss it out there already.
The kids got out of school on the 10th, and we have been trying to keep busy ever since. I told them as long as they behave and do their chores then I will continue to take them places. So we have been to the park, to the pool, to the children's museum, and too the splash pad water park. Today we are heading to the pool again. I haven't been carrying my camera around so I don't have any pictures to post, but I will start getting some pictures of our summer fun. Pretty soon we'll even have a zoo pass. So we can start taking trips to the zoo. It seems everyone is happier if we keep on the move. I know being out in the sun and stuff has really helped me. I have been feeling tons better, but also know I still have a ways to go. But time is definitely helping. I shed a few tears on Fathers day, I really miss my dad. Most days are good days but some days I still want to cover my head and cry!
I want to say Happy Birthday to Brock, Marky Todd and Patti. We love you guys and hope your days were great. Check back soon for more Jones summer updates.
Well June started out with Eviee and I taking a trip to Utah. It was a fast 4 days but we had a great time. I think Eviee enjoyed being the only really little person around so she got all the attention. I enjoyed just spending time with my family. It made it easier for me to get through the anniversary of mom's death. So thanks Beth for having me. I miss it out there already.
The kids got out of school on the 10th, and we have been trying to keep busy ever since. I told them as long as they behave and do their chores then I will continue to take them places. So we have been to the park, to the pool, to the children's museum, and too the splash pad water park. Today we are heading to the pool again. I haven't been carrying my camera around so I don't have any pictures to post, but I will start getting some pictures of our summer fun. Pretty soon we'll even have a zoo pass. So we can start taking trips to the zoo. It seems everyone is happier if we keep on the move. I know being out in the sun and stuff has really helped me. I have been feeling tons better, but also know I still have a ways to go. But time is definitely helping. I shed a few tears on Fathers day, I really miss my dad. Most days are good days but some days I still want to cover my head and cry!
I want to say Happy Birthday to Brock, Marky Todd and Patti. We love you guys and hope your days were great. Check back soon for more Jones summer updates.
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